Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Official weigh in down 5 pounds this last month

I go in monthly to see the nurse managing me in the clinical trial. She takes blood pressure, pulse, gets my weight and they take blood samples. This morning I weighed in at 234, which is down 5 pounds in the month since I was there last. Its 8 pounds total over the two months on the new med, or about a pound a week -- solid weight loss that's not too fast. I just want this to keep working. I can tell that I've taken some weight off but I also am really seeing how big I am, and that's not a happy place.

I'm also adjusting to the meds, I'm sleeping better and my irritability has diminished. I don't feel 'speedy' anymore, but the appetite suppressant quality is still working. Yesterday I was more hungry than usual, which bothered me some, but then I remembered that I had a few drinks on Monday. Alcohol will definitely increase my appetite the next day so I'm really trying to keep it down to once or twice a month.

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